Friday, September 24, 2021

September 26 Weekly Update

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #3 Now Let Us Rejoice
Sacrament Hymn: #174 While of These Emblems We Partake
Rest Hymn: #295 O Love That Glorifies the Son
Closing Hymn: #21 Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice


Baby Ollis

Mabel Mae Ollis was born September 7th to Draper & Cheyenne Ollis.  She arrived weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and is 21" long.  Congratulations to the Ollis family!!

Volunteers Needed 

Volunteers needed! Our ward has been asked to help the South Sudanese branch in their primary throughout the month of September. They are in need of a pianist and 3 people to sit with teachers each week. If you can help, please meet Sis Loertscher in the south foyer at 1:50. The lessons will be taught by the stake primary so no need to prepare a lesson. Their primary meets from 1:55-3:00 o'clock. You're welcome to help one week or multiple weeks. All sisters and brothers are welcome to help, the children speak English in the branch.

Relief Society Announcements

Sunday's lesson is from the conference talk, "God Among Us", by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, and will be taught by Sue Jorgensen.

Thank you to all you wonderful sisters who have been helping to tie the fleece blankets, and for coming out to our Relief Society activity last week.  It was so much fun spending time together and getting to know each other a little better than we did before.  We have activities every third Wednesday of the month, and we invite each and every one of you, along with your friends and neighbors, to come join us!

If possible, please watch the Face to Face broadcast with Elder & Sister Bednar on the website. It shows a great pattern of listening to the Spirit and would be beneficial in how we watch and learn from the upcoming General Conference.

New Callings

Brother Cameron Bailey was called as a Deacons Quorum Specialist

General Conference

General Conference will be on October 2nd & 3rd and there will be a total of 5 sessions. Here are many Ways to Watch or Listen to General Conference

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
October 2nd: Team Lead-Andrew Schafer. Team Members: David Shaffer, Rosemarie Rudd, Ray Seager
October 9th: Team Lead-Rob Kitchen. Team Members: Herman Simon, Bryce & Eliza Daugherty, Jeanine Smith, Peggy Smith

Saturday, September 18, 2021

September 19 Weekly Update

Leadership Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is sad to see and hear about all the fires that have swept through the Western United States.  I am grateful for all the brave firefighters risking their lives to help contain all these fires. The Northern America Wildfire season has seen more fires this year than any other recordable year.  I look forward to the time when we can breathe fresh air instead of the smoke.  How is the spiritual air we
are breathing? Are we constantly putting out spiritual fires?  Lehi saw a vision of the Tree of Life, which is a representation of our times.  In the Tree of Life allegory, there is a “mist of darkness” around us which represents temptation.  To avoid the temptation and all the smoke around us we are to “hold to the rod” to make it to the Tree of Life.  We have a wonderful opportunity to “hold to the rod” by listening and watching General Conference.  It is coming up Oct 2-3rd. By listening and applying Prophets’ and Apostles’ teachings we are holding to the rod. It will help us with whatever temptation is present to each individual. Listening to and watching General Conference will help us breathe spiritual clean air and help put out spiritual fires in our lives.

With lots of love,
Brother Clayton Cox

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #23 We Ever Pray for Thee
Sacrament Hymn: #169 As Now We Take the Sacrament
Rest Hymn: #288 How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord
Closing Hymn: #98 I Need Thee Every Hour


Volunteers Needed 

Volunteers needed! Our ward has been asked to help the South Sudanese branch in their primary throughout the month of September. They are in need of a pianist and 3 people to sit with teachers each week. If you can help, please meet Sis Loertscher in the south foyer at 1:50. The lessons will be taught by the stake primary so no need to prepare a lesson. Their primary meets from 1:55-3:00 o'clock. You're welcome to help one week or multiple weeks. All sisters and brothers are welcome to help, the children speak English in the branch.

New Callings

Brother Steven Fidler was released as a Primary Activity Leader
Sister Kira Fidler was released as a Primary Activity Leader
Sister Jessica McGill was released as the Relief Society Activity Coordinator
Sister Juli Unsworth was released from the Relief Society Activity Committee

Brother Steven Fidler was called as a Young Men Specialist
Sister Kira Fidler was called as a Young Women Specialist
Sister Juli Unsworth was called as the Relief Society Activity Coordinator

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
September 25th: Team Lead-Deborah Richardson. Team Members: William Peck, Gary Pittman, Qersland Rith, Elizabeth Robison
October 2nd: Team Lead-Andrew Schafer. Team Members: Paul Rowberry, Rosemarie Rudd, Ray Seager

Friday, September 10, 2021

September 12 Weekly Update

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #140 Did You Think to Pray?
Sacrament Hymn: #176 'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love
Rest Hymn: #100 Nearer, My God, to Thee
Closing Hymn: #45 Lead Me into Life Eternal


Face to Face Event

This Sunday, September 12th at 4 pm a Face to Face event with Elder & Sister Bednar will be held for all young adults ages 18-30.

Temple & Family History

The Temple & Family History meeting is Tuesday, September 14th at 7 pm on Zoom. 
"While temple and family history work has the power to bless those beyond the veil, it has an equal power to bless the living. It has a refining influence on those who are engaged in it." -President Russell M. Nelson

Relief Society

September 15th at 7 pm is our "Friendshipping" Relief Society activity! Bring a friend and let's all get to know each other better!

Our Relief Society lesson this week will be given by Elaine Wright from the conference talk "Why the Covenant Path", by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

For October's Relief Society activity we will be making quilts! If you have any quilting material or batting that you can donate, please contact Lee Stevens.

New Callings

Brother Taylor Briggs was released as the Deacons Quorum Advisor
Brother Draper Ollis was released as the Deacons Quorum Advisor Assistant
Sister Deborah Moore was released as a Youth Sunday School Teacher

Sister Evelyn Cox was called as a Youth Sunday School Teacher
Brother Draper Ollis was called as the Deacons Quorum Advisor

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
September 18th: Team Lead-Raymond Olsen. Team Members: Jean Navarro, Chelsea Nelson, Charles Newman, Colleen Norris
September 25th: Team Lead-Deborah Richardson. Team Members: William Peck, Gary Pittman, Qersland Rith, Elizabeth Robison

Thursday, September 2, 2021

September 5 Weekly Update


New Callings 

Sister Zildy Manuel was released as the Young Women President
Sister Elena Hansen was released as the Young Women First Counselor
Sister Erin Wright was released as the Young Women Second Counselor
Sister Evelyn Cox was released as the Young Women Secretary
Sister Jamie Haderlie was called as the Young Women President
Sister Erin Wright was called as the Young Women First Counselor
Sister Deborah Moore was called as the Young Women Second Counselor
Sister Jessica McGill was called as the Young Women Secretary

Volunteers Needed 

Volunteers needed! Our ward has been asked to help the South Sudanese branch in their primary throughout the month of September. They are in need of a pianist and 3 people to sit with teachers each week. If you can help, please meet Sis Loertscher in the south foyer at 1:50. The lessons will be taught by the stake primary so no need to prepare a lesson. Their primary meets from 1:55-3:00 o'clock. You're welcome to help one week or multiple weeks. All sisters and brothers are welcome to help, the children speak English in the branch.

Face to Face

On Sunday, September 12th @ 4:00, a Face to Face event with Elder & Sister Bednar will be held for all young adults ages 18-30.

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
September 11th: Team Lead-Erick McGill. Team Members: Maria Marin, Charlene McGrew, Glen Miller, Melodie Motock
September 18th: Team Lead-Raymond Olsen. Team Members: Jean Navarro, Chelsea Nelson, Charles Newman, Colleen Norris

Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...