Friday, October 27, 2023

Weekly Update October 29th

 Upcoming Ward Activity 

Please join us at the Ward Halloween Party - the Family History Spooktacular! We need your help with providing serving help and help in primary room with activity. Follow this link to sign up! Thanks in advance for your willingness to help on Saturday, October 28th at 5:30 pm.

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn:  #83 Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
Sacrament Hymn:  #192 He Died! The Great Redeemer Died
Rest Hymn: #259 Hope of Israel
Closing Hymn:  #98 I Need Thee Every Hour

Priesthood Advancement

Bryson Kitchen received the Melchizedek priesthood and was ordained as an elder.

5th Sunday Lesson

We will be having a 5th Sunday lesson with all of the Adults and Youth on Sunday. The Adults will be in the cultural hall and the Youth will meet in the Young Women's room. We will be discussing the following talk, and ask that you review it prior to the meeting:

Promptings of the Spirit - Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Other reference talk
Our Constant Companion - President Henry B. Eyring

Come Follow Me

October 30th-November 5th Hebrews 1-6 Jesus Christ, the Author of Ethernal Salvation
November 6th-12th Hebrews 7-13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”


Bishop Cox is asking everyone to look out for any suspicious activity in our area and to report any vandalism, etc. by calling the dispatch for the Taylorsville Police Department at 801-840-4000

Relief Society

The Relief Society has been asked to provide desserts for the Family History Spooktacular event on Saturday, Oct 28th.  Since this activity is focusing on family history, they are requesting desserts that have some tie to your family history, ancestors, or family traditions.  These will be earned as participation prizes. It should be fun and interesting to see all the different creations! Please click the link below to sign up. There are still 9 Slots available.

November 7th @ 6:00 p.m. is our next Relief Society activity.  We have invited the 18th ward to join us for a baked potato & salad bar.  Come hungry!

The Stake is having a Food Drive on November 8th.

The Relief Society has some service projects that you can help with.

Hats, Scarfs, Blankets - Crochet/knitting patterns are available. Donations go to the Road Home Shelter for Families.
Lap-gans 40" X 55" - Lap blankets for wheelchair bound folks at the rest home on 6200 South Redwood Road. 
Any good used blankets, hats and scarfs will also help and be donated.

Contact one of the Relief Society Presidency for yarn, patterns, flannel material, and hat looms.  A donation box will be in the Relief Society room.  Thank you for your love and tender care of those in need.

Mary Ellen Strong is still collecting plastic lids that will be used for prosthetics.

Jan Wheeler is collecting clothing, shoes, hats and jackets for youth and adults.  Let her know if you have anything so she can pick them up or arrange a time to drop them off at her home.

Welfare Assignments

We have been given two new Welfare Assignments at the Welfare Square Cannery.  Three people are needed for each assignment.

Wednesday November 29th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

Thursday December 21st from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

These assignments will be at the Welfare Square Cannery at 730 West 800 South in Salt Lake City.

Temple and Family History

The Jordan River Temple will be closed from October 31st - November 13th.

We are having two Sisters Temple Day in November since there will be no ward Temple days.

Friday, November 17th 10:40 am sealings. You do not need to make a reservation. We have reserved sealings for 4 brothers and 4 Sisters. Please let Colleen know if you want to come and if you  plan on joining us for lunch afterward. We have been going to the Subway at 5648 S. Redwood.

Tuesday, November 28th 10 am initiatory. Colleen has reserved  3 sisters You can make your own reservations or be added to the list that is already reserved. Those that wish to carpool will be picked up around 9:15 am. Some of the sisters will be going to lunch afterward. Let Colleen Norris know if you plan on attending (801-455-8794).

We will have the opportunity to help clean the Jordan River Temple each night starting on Monday, December 11th through Friday, December 15th from 10:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. each evening.  We need 3 temple recommend holders to help each of the five nights for a total of 15 people.  Please let Brother Feil (801-209-0171) or Sister Lyman (801-856-2359) know if you want to help clean the temple and which evening during that week. 

Tithing Declaration

Here is the link to sign up for Tithing Declaration for this year.  Appointments will be added for Sundays and Wednesdays in November.

Future Ward Activity

Please mark your calendars and join us for the following future activities hosted by the Ward Activity Committee:

Christmas Party - Saturday, December 9th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Ward Choir Practice

Ward Choir practice will be held on Sundays at 11:00 after church on the stage except for fast Sundays.  

Building Cleaning Assignments

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader.
  • October 28th: Team Leader-John Hughes. Team Members: Allan Hess, Janice Huddleston, Josh Hunick
  • November 4th: Team Leader-Tyler Wright. Team Members: Cecily Blakely, Elaine Wright, Erin Wright, Jonas Manuel, Gerald Woodbury
  • November 11th: Team Leader-Brent Peterson. Team Members: Joan Thalman, Carel Jensen, John Lesko, Ryan Levesque, Patricia Loveland.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Weekly Update October 22nd


Upcoming Ward Activity 

Please join us at the Ward Halloween Party - the Family History Spooktacular! We need your help with providing the ingredients for toppings at the taco bar for dinner. Follow this link to sign up! Thanks in advance for your willingness to help on Saturday, October 28th at 5:30 pm.

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn:  #125 How Gentle God's Commands
Sacrament Hymn:  #176 'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love
Closing Hymn:  #136 I Know That My Redeemer Lives


Sister Liz Daugherty was released as a Resource Center Specialist.

Sister Liz Daugherty was called as a Primary Teacher. 

Meeting Schedule

October 22nd - Primary Sacrament Program - Relief Society/Elders Quorum
October 29th - Gospel Doctrine

Come Follow Me


Bishop Cox is asking everyone to look out for any suspicious activity in our area and to report any vandalism, etc. by calling the dispatch for the Taylorsville Police Department at 801-840-4000

Relief Society

This Sunday's lesson will be from "Abide in Me, and I in You; Therefore Walk with Me" by Elder David A. Bednar.

The Relief Society has been asked to provide desserts for the Family History Spooktacular event on Saturday, Oct 28th.  Since this activity is focusing on family history, they are requesting desserts that have some tie to your family history, ancestors, or family traditions.  These will be earned as participation prizes. It should be fun and interesting to see all the different creations! Please click the link below to sign up.

November 7th @ 6:00 p.m. is our next Relief Society activity.  We have invited the 18th ward to join us for a baked potato & salad bar.  Come hungry!

The Stake is having a Food Drive on November 8th.

The Relief Society has some service projects that you can help with.

Hats, Scarfs, Blankets - Crochet/knitting patterns are available. Donations go to the Road Home Shelter for Families.
Lap-gans 40" X 55" - Lap blankets for wheelchair bound folks at the rest home on 6200 South Redwood Road. 
Any good used blankets, hats and scarfs will also help and be donated.

Contact one of the Relief Society Presidency for yarn, patterns, flannel material, and hat looms.  A donation box will be in the Relief Society room.  Thank you for your love and tender care of those in need.

Mary Ellen Strong is still collecting plastic lids that will be used for prosthetics.

Jan Wheeler is collecting clothing, shoes, hats and jackets for youth and adults.  Let her know if you have anything so she can pick them up or arrange a time to drop them off at her home.

Welfare Assignments

We have been given two new Welfare Assignments at the Welfare Square Cannery.  Three people are needed for each assignment.

Wednesday November 29th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

Thursday December 21st from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

These assignments will be at the Welfare Square Cannery at 730 West 800 South in Salt Lake City.

Temple and Family History

The next Sisters Temple Day will be Endowment on Tuesday, October 24th at 11:30 am. You can make your own reservations or be added to the list that is already reserved. Those that wish to carpool will be picked up around 10:15 am. Some of the sisters will be going to lunch afterward. Let Colleen Norris know if you plan on attending (801-455-8794).

The Jordan River Temple will be closed from October 31st - November 13th.

We will have the opportunity to help clean the Jordan River Temple each night starting on Monday, December 11th through Friday, December 15th from 10:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. each evening.  We need 3 temple recommend holders to help each of the five nights for a total of 15 people.  Please let Brother Feil (801-209-0171) or Sister Lyman (801-856-2359) know if you want to help clean the temple and which evening during that week. 

Tithing Declaration

Here is the link to sign up for Tithing Declaration for this year.  There are appointments available on Sundays and Wednesdays in October.

Future Ward Activity

Please mark your calendars and join us for the following future activities hosted by the Ward Activity Committee:

Christmas Party - Saturday, December 9th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Ward Choir Practice

Ward Choir practice will be held on Sundays at 11:00 after church on the stage except for fast Sundays.  

Building Cleaning Assignments

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader.
  • October 21st: Team Leader-Gerald Garner. Team Members: Tanner Haderlie, Kevin Hansen, Nolan Adams, Jan Wheeler
  • October 28th: Team Leader-John Hughes. Team Members: Allan Hess, Janice Huddleston, Josh Hunick
  • November 4th: Team Leader-Tyler Wright. Team Members: Cecily Blakely, Elaine Wright, Erin Wright, Jonas Manuel, Gerald Woodbury

Friday, October 13, 2023

Weekly Update October 15th

Meeting Program

Theme: General Conference Learnings

Opening Hymn:  #75 In Hymns of Praise
Sacrament Hymn:  #182 We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name
Rest Hymn:  #40 Arise, O Glorious Zion
Closing Hymn:  #145 Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire

Next week will be the Primary Program.

Ward Callings

Brother Bill Peck was released as the Sunday School 2nd Counselor

Brother Sam Fonua was called as the Sunday School 2nd Counselor 
Sister Liz Fonua was called as a Primary Teacher 
Brother Nolan Adams and Sister Linda Adams were called as Resource Center Specialists 

Stake Callings

 Brother Robert Elzinga was released as the 2nd Counselor in the Stake Sunday School Presidency 
Sister Evelyn Cox was released as the 1st Counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency 
Sister Amy Nielsen was released as the 2nd Counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency 
Brother George Kalmar was called as the 2nd Counselor in the Stake Sunday School Presidency 
Brother Kendell O'Boyle was called as the Secretary in the Stake Sunday School Presidency 
Sister Amy Nielsen was called as the 1st Counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency 
Sister Codee Mullins was called as the 2nd Counselor in the Stake Primary Primary 
Brother Andrew Shadel was called as the Secretary in the Stake Young Men Presidency 

Meeting Schedule

October 15th - Gospel Doctrine
October 22nd - Relief Society/Elders Quorum
October 30th -  5th Sunday combined

Upcoming Ward and Stake Activities

Wed, Oct 18: An Area Education Devotional will be at 7pm at the stake center for Youth, Parents & Leaders. Sunday dress is not required. For youth and their parents and leaders. There will be refreshments afterwards. 

Come Follow Me

October 16-22 (Individual Study) 1 & 2 Thessalonians "Perfect That Which is Lacking in Your Family
October 23-29 Timothy, Titus and Philemon "Be Thou an Example of the Believers"


Bishop Cox is asking everyone to look out for any suspicious activity in our area and to report any vandalism, etc. by calling the dispatch for the Taylorsville Police Department at 801-840-4000

Relief Society

Tessie Edgar is going to drop off items to the homeless shelter on Friday the 13th. If anyone has anything for her to take, please bring it over to her house or she can come and pick things up from you. If you would like she can also take anything you may have to give from the needs list found at  Thank you so much!

The Relief Society has some service projects that you can help with.

Hats, Scarfs, Blankets - Crochet/knitting patterns are available. Donations go to the Road Home Shelter for Families.
Lap-gans 40" X 55" - Lap blankets for wheelchair bound folks at the rest home on 6200 South Redwood Road. 
Any good used blankets, hats and scarfs will also help and be donated.

Contact one of the Relief Society Presidency for yarn, patterns, flannel material, and hat looms.  A donation box will be in the Relief Society room.  Thank you for your love and tender care of those in need.

Mary Ellen Strong is still collecting plastic lids that will be used for prosthetics.

Jan Wheeler is collecting clothing, shoes, hats and jackets for youth and adults.  Let her know if you have anything so she can pick them up or arrange a time to drop them off at her home.

Temple and Family History

The next Sisters Temple Day will be Endowment on Tuesday, October 24th at 11:30 am. You can make your own reservations or be added to the list that is already reserved. Those that wish to carpool will be picked up around 10:15 am. Some of the sisters will be going to lunch afterward. Let Colleen Norris know if you plan on attending (801-455-8794).

Tithing Declaration

Here is the link to sign up for Tithing Declaration for this year.  There are appointments available on Sundays and Wednesdays in October.

Future Ward Activity

Christmas Party - Saturday, December 9th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Ward Choir Practice

Ward Choir practice will be held on Sundays at 11:00 after church on the stage except for fast Sundays.  

Building Cleaning Assignments

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader.
  • October 14th: Team Leader-Steve Fidler. Team Members: Randy Foote, Jonathon Gardner, Harvey Wamsley
  • October 21st: Team Leader-Gerald Garner. Team Members: Tanner Haderlie, Kevin Hansen, Nolan Adams, Jan Wheeler
  • October 28th: Team Leader-John Huges. Team Members: Allan Hess, Janice Huddleston, Josh Hunick

Friday, October 6, 2023

Weekly Update October 8th


Neighborhood Stake Social 

Please join us for the Neighborhood Stake Social on Saturday, October 7th from 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn:  #3 Now Let Us Rejoice
Sacrament Hymn:  #194 There Is a Green Hill Far Away
Closing Hymn:  #123 Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee

Meeting Schedule

October 8th - Fast Sunday - Relief Society/Elders Quorum
October 15th - Gospel Doctrine

Self-Reliance Initiative & Fireside

The Self-Reliance Initiative will begin with a fireside at 6 p.m. Sunday, October 8th, at the stake center.  All participants and facilitators are invited to attend.  Leaders are welcome.  Classes in personal finance, emotional resilience and finding employment are still open to additional participants.

Come Follow Me

October 2nd-8th (Individual Study)  Ephesians "For the Perfecting of the Saints"


Bishop Cox is asking everyone to look out for any suspicious activity in our area and to report any vandalism, etc. by calling the dispatch for the Taylorsville Police Department at 801-840-4000

Relief Society

This Sunday's lesson will be from Remember What Matters Most by President M. Russell Ballard.

Our next activity is Tuesday, October 10th at 7:00 p.m. -  "Fun Facts About Temples."

Tessie Edgar is going to drop off items to the homeless shelter on Friday the 13th. If anyone has anything for her to take, please bring it over to her house or she can come and pick things up from you. If you would like she can also take anything you may have to give from the needs list found at  Thank you so much!

The Relief Society has some service projects that you can help with.

Hats, Scarfs, Blankets - Crochet/knitting patterns are available. Donations go to the Road Home Shelter for Families.
Lap-gans 40" X 55" - Lap blankets for wheelchair bound folks at the rest home on 6200 South Redwood Road. 
Any good used blankets, hats and scarfs will also help and be donated.

Contact one of the Relief Society Presidency for yarn, patterns, flannel material, and hat looms.  A donation box will be in the Relief Society room.  Thank you for your love and tender care of those in need.

Mary Ellen Strong is still collecting plastic lids that will be used for prosthetics.

Jan Wheeler is collecting clothing, shoes, hats and jackets for youth and adults.  Let her know if you have anything so she can pick them up or arrange a time to drop them off at her home.

Temple and Family History

The next Ward Night for Sealings will be on Thursday, October 12h at 7:20 p.m.  Let Anthony Cruz know if you plan on attending (702-353-1785).

The next Sisters Temple Day will be Endowment on Tuesday, October 24th at 11:30 am. You can make your own reservations or be added to the list that is already reserved. Those that wish to carpool will be picked up around 10:15 am. Some of the sisters will be going to lunch afterward. Let Colleen Norris know if you plan on attending (801-455-8794).

Tithing Declaration

Here is the link to sign up for Tithing Declaration for this year.  There are appointments available on Sundays and Wednesdays in October.

Future Ward Activities

Please mark your calendars and join us for the following future activities hosted by the Ward Activity Committee:

Christmas Party - Saturday, December 9th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Ward Choir Practice

Ward Choir practice will be held on Sundays at 11:00 after church on the stage except for fast Sundays.  

Building Cleaning Assignments

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader.
  • October 7th: Team Leader-Bob Elzinga. Team Members: Leonard Feil, Sam Fidler, Jonas Lether, Andrew Jester, Patience Westover
  • October 14th: Team Leader-Steve Fidler. Team Members: Randy Foote, Jonathon Gardner, Harvey Wamsley
  • October 21st: Team Leader-Gerald Garner. Team Members: Tanner Haderlie, Kevin Hansen, Nolan Adams, Jan Wheeler

Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...