Saturday, March 13, 2021

Weekly Update March 14

 Bishops Message:

Brothers and Sisters,
As I reflect upon this past week, I am amazed at how the Lord has lightened my load. After a particularly rough day, I struggled in prayer for what would help me and my situation. As I pondered that question over the next day, I received my answer: #GiveThanks.
As the Saints in Missouri were struggling with their neighbors, and the demand was made to leave Jackson County, the Lord offered this revelation:
"Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks;" (D&C 98:1).
I am aware that many of you are struggling right now - some with health problems, others emotionally, several with job issues, and most of us with the every day stresses of life. There are many things out there to throw doubt and strife in our way. We certainly are living in some difficult times. However, know that the Lord has provided a way for us to rejoice and get through these struggles. He knows what we are going through and His hand is outstretched ready to help us. What a wonderful reason to give thanks.
We have been commanded, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thes. 5:18).
As the answer to #GiveThanks came to me, in my difficult time, I felt gratitude for my Heavenly Father. As I felt that gratitude, I felt the weight of my struggles lifted.
I am so optimistic that the Lord has great things for us to accomplish in these, the latter days. As you seek to give thanks to Him, you will find it easier to serve, love, and bless the lives of those around you.
I am grateful to you for your wonderful examples to me - for the great service you provide to your neighbors and friends. May God bless each of you.
Bishop Cox

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: 116 Come, Follow Me
Closing Hymn: 252 Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel


Brooke Schafer
Almarie Wright

Meeting Changes

We are making an adjustment to our meeting schedule this week. We will begin meeting for our 2nd hour meeting at 11am. I appreciate your flexibility and hopefully alleviate a big rush at home after our sacrament service.
In addition, for most of the 2nd hour classes we have made some adjustments to the zoom link. It should be the same for just about everyone. We will be sure to update the links on the website with this information.


We are collecting items for the Utah food bank next Saturday (3/20) morning. More information will be delivered to you by door hanger some time over the next week.

Missionary Announcements

- The missionaries in our area would love for you to visit, like, and share posts from their Jesus Christ In Taylorsville Facebook Page.
- The missionaries for our stake are asking for participation in a fast. Here are the details: Missionary Fasting Challenge. We are being asked to participate from March 28th to April 3rd (2-3 families each day), if you're willing to sign up please sign up here.

Relief Society Announcement

- We kindly ask you to contact the sisters on your ministering list, that you feel is appropriate, and ask 1: if they need help getting on zoom for the variety of church meetings offered and 2: if they desire the sacrament to be brought to their home.  Please contact sister Lyman if there is a need.
- Please join us this week on Tuesday, March 16th at 7:00pm for the zoom, “Birthday in a Box” celebration. This will be a fun night to celebrate Relief Society's birth with a range from spirituality to lots of laughs! PLEASE NOTE:  sometime Monday night-Tuesday night a special birthday box will be delivered to your porch.  Watch for it since there might be questionable weather. Now, do not open it until we tell you at the zoom meeting. (We would hate for you to spend time in Relief Society Jail for opening your box early. LOL)!

Primary Announcements

- We have been given permission from the stake to begin holding singing time for the Primary children immediately after sacrament meeting.  We will remain in the chapel and stay seated in family groups (socially distanced and still with masks). Singing time will only last at most 15 minutes.

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...