Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 29 Ward Update

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #83
Sacrament Hymn: #176
Rest Hymn: #41
Closing Hymn: #84


Ward Party

End of Summer 23rd Ward Party! Tonight at 6 pm at the Stake Pavilion: 3495 W 4850 S. Pulled pork sandwiches & potluck dinner with fun & games for the whole family. Come join us!

Relief Society

Sunday's lesson will be given from the conference talk "This Is Our Time" by G. Gifford Nielsen and will be taught by Teresa Hughes.

Thanks to everyone for all the yummy salads you brought to our Salad Social and for making this event so much fun!

For our October activity we will be making quilts!  If you have any fabric to donate, please contact Lee Stevens.

Temple Sign Up

Don't forget to sign up for the temple! Spots for October will open up on September 1st, and they will go fast!

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
September 4th: Team Lead- Michael Major. Team Members: Deanna Long-Smith, Elizabeth Long, Patricia Loveland, Reed Lyman
September 11th: Team Lead-Erick McGill. Team Members: Maria Marin, Charlene McGrew, Glen Miller, Melodie Motock

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ward Update August 22

 Leadership Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Taylorsville 23rd Ward, 

As I was reading Moroni Chapter 7 where Moroni writes some of the words of his father Mormon that he preached to his people regarding faith, hope and charity. I was particularly focused on the beginning verses of this chapter where Mormon teaches his people about how they can know if something is from God or from the devil beginning in verse 12, he says “all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil.”  

In verse 13 he says But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do agood continually; wherefore, everything which inviteth and benticeth to do cgood, and to love God, and to serve him, is dinspired of God.”

Mormon goes on in verse 14 to warn against judging that which is evil to be of God or that which is good and of God to be of the devil. In verse 15 he explains that it is given unto us to judge good from evil and it is as plain that we may know with a perfect knowledge as the daylight differs from the night.

16 For behold, the aSpirit of Christ is given to every bman, that he may cknow good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for everything which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

May each of us remember that all children of God, including ourselves are given the Spirit of Christ to light the way for us, that we may know good from evil. I invite us to read and ponder the words of Mormon written in Moroni chapter 7 and may the message be helpful and hopeful to each of us as we journey here in mortality striving to keep God’s commandments and may we choose the better part.

Brother Leonard Feil

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #228 You Can Make the Pathway Bright
Sacrament Hymn: #193 I Stand All Amazed
Rest Hymn: #67 Glory to God on High
Closing Hymn: #243 Let Us All Press On


Ward Activity

Our End of Summer Ward Party will be held at the stake pavillion on Saturday, August 28th @ 6:00 p.m.  Pulled pork sandwiches, drinks, and dessert will be provided.  There will be fun & games for the whole family!

New Callings

Sister Cecelia Alder was released as a Primary Teacher
Sister Elizabeth Robison was released as a Primary Teacher
Sister Melodie Motock was called as a Youth Sunday School Teacher
Brother Taylor Briggs was called to be ordained as a High Priest
Brother Kevin Hansen was released as First Counselor in the Bishopric
Brother Harvey Wamsley was released as Second Counselor in the Bishopric
Brother Harvey Wamsley was called as First Counselor in the Bishopric
Brother Taylor Briggs was called as Second Counselor in the Bishopric

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
August 28th: Team Lead- John Lesko. Team Members: Jonas Lether, Ryan Levesque
September 4th: Team Lead- Michael Major. Team Members: Deanna Long-Smith, Elizabeth Long, Patricia Loveland, Reed Lyman

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Ward Update August 15

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #73 Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice
Sacrament Hymn: #175 O God, the Eternal Father
Rest Hymn: #66 Rejoice, the Lord Is King!
Closing Hymn: #288 How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord


Relief Society Activity

Bring your favorite salad to the church on Wednesday, August 18th @ 6:00 for our Relief Society Summer Salad Social. This would be a great time to reach out to your ministering sisters and invite them to join us!  

Ward Party

Our End of Summer Ward Party will be held at the stake pavillion on Saturday, August 28th @ 6:00 p.m.  Pulled pork sandwiches, drinks, and dessert will be provided.  There will be fun & games for the whole family!

Jordan River Temple 

It's so exciting we can now go and do proxy temple work at the Jordan River Temple.  You can schedule an appointment online by going to

Building Cleaning

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building! Please contact Brother & Sister Evans if you cannot make it. Plan on 9 am Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.
August 21st: Team Lead- Jay Jorgensen. Team Members: Heather Jones, Dawn Kunzler
August 28th: Team Lead- John Lesko. Team Members: Jonas Lether, Ryan Levesque

Friday, August 6, 2021

Ward Update August 8

Leadership Message

This past week I have been pondering several issues that have arisen. Some of these issues have weighed heavy on me. As I sought the Lord in prayer for answers to these issues, I clearly heard the Him speak to my mind the scripture found in Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."


Brothers and Sisters, the Lord's way is always the best way. We need to trust in Him! We cannot look to the world or depend on what we think is going to be better. We may not always understand His plan and it may not always be easy, but His way is the way we can find the most joy and peace in this life. It truly is the best path.


He has always provided a way. We trusted Him in the premortal world, and looked to our older brother with such certainty that He would provide a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father. We looked "forward unto the Messiah, and believe[d] in him to come as though he already was" (Jarom 1:1). We each have testimonies of Him. We need to exercise faith in Him. And, as invited by our prophet in the last General Conference we can exercise more faith in Him. We do this through repentance, charity, service, and inviting others to come to Him. I invite you to ask the Lord what you can do to put your trust in Him and exercise more faith. 


I know He lives and loves each of you! Trust in Him!


With love,

Bishop Cox

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #58 Come, Ye Children of the Lord
Sacrament Hymn: #170 God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray
Rest Hymn: #69 All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Closing Hymn: #64 On This Day of Joy and Gladness


Relief Society

The Relief Society lesson this Sunday will be taught by Kathryn Lyman on "You Can Gather Israel!" by Ahmad S. Corbitt.

Our Relief Society Salad Social will be at the church on Wednesday, August 18th @ 6:00 p.m.  

Ward Conference

August 22nd is ward conference.  We will have a combined lesson that week, and Relief Society will be held the following week on August 29th.

Temple & Family History Activity

The Temple & Family History meeting will be Tuesday, August 10th @ 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. I testify that God the Father wants His children home again, in families and in glory.  And I promise you the inspired help that you seek and need. - President Henry B. Eyring

Building Cleaning

Our ward is currently assigned to clean our building. Our Building Cleaning Coordinators have created 21 teams of 4-5 families to be assigned to each Saturday. Each team has been assigned a team leader (these team leaders have been contacted previously). These team leaders will be reaching out to their team to let them know about their assigned cleaning day. We are going to include the team leader's names in the weekly update and the date they are assigned to clean the building. If you receive a call from these team leaders, please come help clean up the church on your assigned Saturday. Cleaning will normally be at 9 am on Saturdays, but team leaders may change the time as needed and will communicate that to their team. 
Team Leaders: Aug 14 - Tyler Wright, Aug 21 - Jay Kofoed, Aug 28 - John Lesko, Sep 4 - Michael Major

New Callings

Stake Callings
Brother David Simmons (16th Ward) was released from the High Council
Brother Waisea Lesuma (2nd Branch) was released from the High Council
Brother Andrew Schafer (23rd Ward) was called to be ordained as a High Priest
Brother Devin Slade (16th Ward) was called to the High Council
Brother Andrew Schafer (23rd Ward) was called to the High Council

Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...