Friday, March 25, 2022

Weekly Update March 27

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #130 Be Thou Humble
Sacrament Hymn: #171 With Humble Heart
Ward Choir: "Where is Love"
Closing Hymn:  #219 Because I Have Been Given Much


There were no new callings this week.  

Miracle of 10,000 on Easter Sunday (April 17th)

The full-time missionaries and the President of the Salt Lake City West Mission have invited our ward to participate in the "Miracle of 10,000".  They are asking that each ward invite 125 friends per ward with the goal of having 25 attend Sacrament meeting on Easter Sunday. This inspired effort of the “Miracle of 10,000” is so named because when we have 25 friends attend each ward Sacrament meeting across the 60 stakes in the Salt Lake City West mission, that will be over 10,000 people who attend that day! This can happen with fasting, prayer, sincere desire and effort (faith).

Bishop Cox would like to extend an invitation to be prayerful about who you might invite.

Single Adult Devotional (Sunday, April 9th)

On Saturday, April 9th at 6:00 p.m., Elder Evan A. Schmutz of the Utah Area Presidency will be doing a special devotional for Single Adults in the GSA boundary area.  It will be held at the Stake Center at 5180 West 4700 South. 

This special opportunity is for Single Adults (ages 31-45) who live within the boundaries of the Granger Single Adult (GSA) ward... regardless of whether they are members of the ward or not.  The Granger Single Adult (GSA) Ward serves the single adult members (31-45) of the Hunter, Granger, Taylorsville, and Kearns Coordinating Councils. 

Relief Society

The Relief Society monthly activity will now be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  The next activity will be on April 13th.

Ward Temple Endowment night - Thursday, April 7th - 6:20 or 6:40 p.m. session.  Please sign up and we will see you there!

Saturday, April 16th @ 10:30 a.m. at the stake bowery, we will have an Easter Egg hunt/service project.  For the service project we will be putting together hygiene kits for Ukraine  Please bring any of the following to the activity and we will assemble the kits there:  shampoo, deodorant, bars of soap, washcloths, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs.  No travel or hotel sizes, please.

23rd Ward Youth Fundraiser - May 21st

Once a year, the youth in the ward have the opportunity to raise funds through donations. This year, we will be holding a ward dinner and auction where you’ll have the chance to bid on donated goods and services. We are looking for donations for the auction which will be held on May 21. The money raised at this fundraiser will be used to pay for the Young Men and Young Women Camps this summer. We appreciate your generosity to help.

Please let us know what you are willing to donate for the fundraiser. Donations can include almost anything people would be interested in bidding on, including art, new or gently used items, homemade/unique items, antiques, baked goods, craft items, or services (like piano lessons, dinners, teaching a skill, offering skilled trade work etc).

Please fill out this google form if you are willing to provide a donation(s) so we can keep track of what going to be available that evening.


Missionary Lesson Calendar

Below is the Missionary Lesson Calendar. If you are willing to have the Sister Missionaries in your home for a short lesson, please add your name and include our ward name. Please leave 30 minutes between each lesson for travel time.

Lesson Calendar 

Building Cleaning Assignments

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please contact Brother Elzinga if you cannot make it.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your team leader.

  • April 2nd: Team Leader-Gordon Black.  Team Members: Mandi Ammons, Ramona Ammons, Christina Belcher, Kathy Blommer, Andy Lyman
  • April 9th: Team Leader-Taylor Briggs.  Team Members: Ben Thomas, Catherine Davis, Jesus Martinez, Jay Jorgensen

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...