Friday, June 28, 2024

Weekly Update June 30th



  • June 30th - Sunday 6 p.m. Stake Center - Stake Devotional - Career Development through education. For those looking for work, want a career change, and high school students.
  • July 11-13 Stake Youth Conference 
  • July 25-27 Ward Aaronic Priesthood Camp
  • July 30-Aug3 Stake young Woman's Camp
  • Thursdays 8-9 p.m. - Ward Pickleball at the Stake Center
  • If you would like to receive the weekly update, make sure the email attached to your Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints account has been updated and is not a yahoo email address.        


Opening Hymn: #145 Prayer Is Th Soul's Sincere Desire
Sacrament Hymn: #193 I Stand All Amazed
Intermediate Hymn: #274 The Iron Rod
Closing Hymn:  #147 Sweet Is The Work


June 30th - 5th Sunday - Combined Meeting

July 7th - Sunday School

Brothers and Sisters, 
As we look forward to our 5th Sunday Lesson on June 30th, I would invite each of you to prepare yourself for the discussion by studying Doctrine and Covenants Section 109 over the next 10 days (if you have not already been studying it). President Russell M. Nelson has encouraged us to study the Kirtland dedicatory prayer recorded in that section. We hope to discuss some of the following questions:

1.  What have you learned by studying D&C 109?

2.  President Nelson has stated that this dedicatory prayer “is a tutorial about how the temple spiritually empowers you and me to meet the challenges you and me to meet the challenges of life in these last days”. How does this prayer empower us?

3.  What promises and blessings outlined in D&C 109 have you seen as you have attended the temple? Some suggested questions to consider:

  • What does it mean to “receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost” (D&C 109:15)?
  • How have you felt the power of God and angels having “charge over [you]” (D&C 109:22)?
  • Have you felt the promise that “no combination of wickedness” will prevail over those who worship in the house of the Lord (D&C 109:24-26)? How?

Although this dedicatory prayer is specific to the Kirtland Temple, President Nelson has promised that it applies to all temples. As you consider D&C 109, I would also encourage you to study the words of the dedicatory prayer for the Taylorsville Temple.

I look forward to having a good discussion about what we have learned. 

With Love, Bishop Cox


I'm quoting from a talk given in 2005 by Elder Robert J. Whetten: "Brothers and sisters, if the conversion and transformation process is to continue in each of us, new members and old alike, we must love, serve, and give spiritual nourishment to others. We must help others receive the full blessings of the restoration, including the blessings of the temple." May we resolve to seek those who need help and lift them in the spirit of love into the embrace of the church that all may be blessed. (Brother Peck)


  • "With our trust and faith in God, trials and afflictions can be consecrated for our good."
    Elder Gerrit W. Gong | April 2024General Conference


Hello amazing sisters of the Taylorsville 23rd Ward!

We hope you have had a wonderful June and are ready to move into July because, ready or not, here it comes!!

Thank you for all you are doing to serve each other and to draw closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We love you and pray for you!

Ongoing Service Projects:

Mary Ellen Strong is still collecting plastic lids that will be used for prosthetics.

Jan Wheeler is collecting clothing, shoes, hats and jackets for youth and adults.  Let her know if you have anything so she can pick them up or arrange a time to drop them off at her home.

Tessie Edgar is collecting for the Murray Family Road Home homeless shelter.  Anything that can be used to set up a new apartment. IE: towels / tinfoil / extension cords. 


The Ward is planning a Father & Son’s Campout on Friday, August 9th - Saturday, August 10th.  It will be held at the Beaver Ridge Campground, which is the Church owned property near Park City.


July 11th Ward Sealing session at Jordan River Temple

Please attend an endowment session on your own sometime during the month and invite someone to go with you.


(Chili & soup, hotdogs, & trunk-r-treat)
Date: Wednesday, October 30th
Time: 5:30-7pm
Location: Ward building & parking lot

Christmas Dinner
Date: Saturday, December 14th
Time: 6-7:30pm
Location: Ward building


Stake Youth Conference July 11-13th
Stake Young Women's Camp July 30th -Aug 3rd

There will be a Stake devotional on June 30th.

Wanting to start a new career? Or change careers? Do you want to talk with people in your desired industry before investing in education? Join us on June 30th to hear why education can make a difference and talk with people in various trades/careers to get a better feel for what it is you're interested in! We will have representatives from the Utah System of Higher Education, SLCC, WGU, Ensign, Pathways, EnglishConnect and you'll have time to talk with people who work in various trades/careers. We will also have a guest sharing information on lifelong learning (for those who are retired or not looking to change careers). We look forward to seeing you there!

National Day of Service – Coming up September 7th. Just want to make sure it is on your calendar. We will be partnering with other stakes and community organizations to collect donations for the Utah Food Bank. We invite wards to perform some kind of service during the month of September in conjunction with that food drive.


Pickleball will be starting on Thursday nights on June 6th.  It will run through August 15th.  It will be played in mixed teams (men and women) and include youth and adults.

The 23rd ward is scheduled to play from 8-9 p.m. at the Stake Center in June, from 7-8 p.m. at the Stake Center in July, and from 7-8 p.m. at the West Building (3676 West 4700 South) in August.

More information can be found on the Stake’s website at  We look forward to playing and developing friendships through sports.


Ward Choir practice will be held on Sundays at 12:30 p.m. after church on the stage except for fast Sundays.  


Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader.
  • June 29th: Team Captain-Ken Stevens  Team members: Mary Ellen Strong, Peggy Smith, Bryce Daugherty, Doyle Unsworth
  • July 6th: Team Captain-Sandy Adams   Team Members: Tyler Mumford, Peggy Aullman, Brent Eyre, Susan Callaway
  • July 13th: Team Captin - Sam Fonua  Team  Members: Mandi Ammons, Christina Belcher, Kathy Blommer, Ray Olsen, Ray Seager. 

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...