Saturday, May 8, 2021

Weekly Update May 9

Leadership Message

Brothers and Sisters,


I am grateful that we have been able to go back to more normal things, including meeting together last week. I not only felt the spirit because of the lesson, but also because we were able to meet in person with one another and learn the gospel together. We were able to "meet together… to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of [our] souls… after the manner of the working of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost" (Moroni 6:5, 9). Truly, this was a blessing and miracle provided to us by the Lord.


I personally want to wish all of the sisters in the ward a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you know how important our sisters are to our ward. You uplift, serve, love, and provide true examples of righteousness that we all can learn from. President Nelson has taught, "It would be impossible to measure the influence that… women have, not only on families but also on the Lord's Church, as wives, mothers, and grandmothers; as sisters and aunts; as teachers and leaders; and especially as exemplars and devout defenders of the faith."


Each of you Sisters play an important role in the gathering of Israel and preparing the way for the Second Coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. Continue pressing forward and continue to make a difference (even if you don't think you do - you do make a difference).


Brethren, I encourage you to honor your mothers, sisters and other women in your life. Bless them, pray for them, serve them, and follow their examples.


I love each of you. Thank you for your faithfulness.


Bishop Cox

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #98 I Need Thee Every Hour
Closing Hymn: #85 How Firm a Foundation
Tristan Unsworth, Joseph Wamsley, Mark Broadhead


Stake Conference

Stake Conference is next week on May 16th at 10 am. There is a Leadership Meeting that morning at 7 am.

Temple and Family History Activity

The Temple and Family History Activity is Tuesday, May 11th at 7 pm on Zoom. Please join us, it is a relaxed meeting where questions can be asked and much learning takes place.

Relief Society 

Happy Mother's Day to all!.  We all have mothers and we can celebrate their sacrifice and contribution to our lives.

Please send your baby or toddler picture to Juli Unsworth to prepare for May 18th Relief Society Activity, "Guess Who!".  Pictures must be to Juli by May 14th. or text 801-661-8444.

This Sundays Relief Society lesson will be given by a special speaker.  Come join us in person at 10 am in the Relief society Room.

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...