Friday, April 30, 2021

Weekly Update May 2

Leadership Message:


Come celebrate the life and teachings of Jesus Christ!

Come see your friends, neighbors, and fellow believers.

Come hear the words of prophets, seers and revelators.

Come help us prepare for the Second Coming of our Lord & Savior.

Come and belong.

Who: YOU!

What: Sacrament Meeting followed by age-appropriate classes

When: Sundays at 9:00 am

Where: 4932 South 3200 West

Why: We long for your company and fellowship.

No RSVP required.

With love, Kathryn, Lee, Teresa & Allyson

(the Relief Society Presidency)

Meeting Program: 

Sharing of Testimonies
Opening Hymn: #140 Did You Think to Pray?
Closing Hymn: #247 We Love Thy House, O God


Sunday School Meeting

Following are the room assignments for Sunday School 2nd Hour Classes to start on Sunday:

Gospel Doctrine (2 classes)
If your last name begins A - K;  Meet in the Relief Society Room
If your last name begins L -  Z;  Meet in the Aaronic Priesthood Room

Youth Sunday School Classes
11, 12, & 13 year old;  Meet in Room 101 (South Hallway, last room on east side of hallway)
14 - 15 year old;  Meet in Room 102 (Just south of the Bishop's office)
16 - 17 year old;  No classroom number (South Hallway, last room on west side of hallway)

Primary Meeting Schedule

The classrooms will be as follows:

(These children will go to the primary room first!  These classrooms are where your children would be at the end of church (11:00 a.m.).)

Sunbeams:  Room 109 (last room in west hall on the far north end)
CTR 4/5:  Room 108 (the room immediately north of the primary room in the west hall)
CTR 6/7:  Room 117 (in the north-east hall – last room on the east side)

(These children will go to their classroom first and will be in the primary room at the end of church (11:00 a.m.).)

Valiant 8:  Room 116 (in the north-east hall – second to last room on the east side)
Valiant 9:  Room 118 (in the north-east hall – last room on the west side)
Valiant 10:  Room 110 (north hall, west end – across from the nursery)


Updated Callings

Sister Patricia Loveland has been called as a Primary Pianist

Youth Camps

Youth Conference: July 15-17
YM Camp: June 24-26 Deacons will be going June 23
YW Camp: June 30-July 2

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...