Saturday, August 6, 2022

Weekly Update August 7



Opening Hymn:  #217 Come Let Us Anew
Sacrament Hymn:  #146 Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
Closing Hymn:  #270 I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go


Brother Ben Thomas was released as a ward missionary
Gary and Peggy Ham were released as Stake Welfare & Self-Reliance Specialists

Brother Ben Thomas was sustained as Deacon Quorum Advisor
Jay and Susan Jorgensen were called as the Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialists
Bryce Daugherty was sustained as the Technology Specialist
Chad Jones as called as a Stake Financial Auditor.

WElcome to Tannor and Aubrey Franz

They were welcomed into our ward last Sunday. It's so exciting to see all the new members.


A reminder to all the sisters about the upcoming Summer Salad Social on Wednesday.

If you have anything you want to give away, or if you're in need of something, please post it on our ward Facebook page - Taylorsville 23rd Ward-Inspiration, News, and Events.  Click here to go to the Facebook page.


August 11th is our Ward Temple Sealing night - 7:20 p.m. session.  A signup sheet will be going around Sunday School or If you plan on going, please contact Anthony Cruz (702-353-1785) to get on the list.


On August 20th at 7 pm will be the ward party at the Stake Pavilion 
Hot Dogs with sides, treats and desserts
Outdoor, lawn games will be played
Please bring outdoor games you'd like to play and anything you want for comfort.
(Blankets, Umbrellas, lawn chairs, camping chairs)


The stake has created a website that will have announcements from the Stake, Sacrament Meeting Zoom links, the Stake Facebook link, the Taylorsville Temple progress, and information for the Stake Youth.  The address is


Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader.
  • August 13th:  Team Leader-Bob Elzinga. Team Members: Leonard Feil, Sam Fidler, Jonas Lether, Tessie Edgar, Patience Westover
  • August 20th: Team Leader-Steve Fidler. Team Members: Randy Foote, Jonathan Gardner, Harvey Wamsley
  • August 27th: Team Leader-Gerald Garner. Team Members: Tanner Haderlie, Kevin Hansen, Nolan Adams, Jan Wheeler

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...