Thursday, February 4, 2021

Weekly Update

Bishops message:

Brothers and Sisters,
I appreciated the opportunity on Sunday to discuss the blessings promised to covenant Israel, and the gathering of Israel. I am looking forward to working together as a ward to carry out our Ward Mission Plan and Temple and Family History Plan.  Also, I hope you take the time to personally ponder and pray about how you and your family can prepare for the Taylorsville Temple and help gather Israel.
I am truly humbled at the light that I have seen over the past week. This week we had the opportunity to see the youth in our ward perform various small acts of service in the ward and community. What a blessing it was to see the joy they brought to those that they served. It was also a blessing to see the light that emanated from these young brothers and sisters.
We are taught: "Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days." (D&C 64:33-34)
These youth are great examples of serving and building the kingdom of God through small things. May we look to serving those around us - our families, neighbors, friends, and the Lord, and follow their example of faith and love. As we do so, we are promised great things and the blessings of Zion. We will feel the love of the Lord!
May the blessings of the Lord rest upon you.
Bishop Cox

Please view the 23rd ward work of salvation plan here.

Meeting Program:

February 7, 2021
Fast and Testimony Meeting
Opening Hymn: #264 Hark, All Ye Nations!
Closing Hymn: #73 Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice


Parents and Leaders of Primary, we have a new Primary Presidency! We would love to start getting to know the kids and their leaders and need your help. Please fill out the questionnaires below! (One per child)

Child Questionnaire
Leader Questionnaire


Self Reliance Classes

The stake will be starting the next round of Self-Reliance classes on Sunday, February 21st from 3:00-4:30 pm. The classes will be taught virtually. They are offering two classes - Emotional Resilience and Personal Finance. If you would like to attend one of these classes please let Bro. Clay Cox ( know by Feb 16th, along with which class you are interested in attending.

Temple Preparation Class

We are looking at starting a Temple Preparation class in the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in attending, please talk to a member of the Bishopric about attending. This class is for those that would like to prepare to receive their endowment or for those who have been through the temple and would like to review the blessings of the temple.

Temple and Family History Class

We are holding our Temple and Family History class on February 9, at 7 pm. Join here: Temple and Family History Class

Building Cleaning

We are in need of individuals and families to assist with this. Please sign up here: Building Cleaning Sign Up

Sunday Meetings

We are excited for this Sunday (2/7/2021) as we begin to meet united as a ward at 9:00 A.M. for our Sacrament worship service.  There will be no more alternating of in-person attendance.  This is an exciting opportunity and we are looking forward to being together!

With all our love, we invite you to return and worship with us in person. We miss you! For those who feel uncomfortable meeting in person, we will still provide an online option. It is our sincere desire that each member will have an opportunity to attend. As a reminder, you can find the links to all virtual meetings on our ward website by clicking on the following link:  23rd Ward Virtual Meetings Link

Please note that second hour meetings will continue to be broadcast over the Internet. Primary meetings will not be held during the second hour, but we encourage parents to enhance home instruction and learning by teaching and singing with their primary-age children using resources available for primary children.

We urge all members to exercise an abundance of caution. Please wear face coverings. Please wash hands frequently. Please maintain a social distance of 6 feet between families. And please don’t feel any guilt if you need to stay home because of health concerns. We want you to be safe. We also want you to know that you are invited back, with open arms, to participate in whatever way makes you most comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful for this weekly update. To have the names of the speakers is very helpful in getting to know more of the ward. I realize it takes time to put this together so I want you to know how much it is appreciated :) Thank you!


Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...