Friday, March 26, 2021

Weekly Update March 28

Bishopric Message

As I read the talk “The Savior's Touch” by Elder Walter F. Gonzalez, I felt it really applies to us.

“As we come unto Him, God will come to our rescue, whether to heal us or to give us the strength to face any situation."

Roughly 2,000 years ago, the Savior came down from the mountain after teaching the Beatitudes and other gospel principles. As He walked, He was approached by a man sick with leprosy. The man showed reverence and respect as he knelt before Christ, seeking relief from his affliction. His request was simple: “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”

The Savior then extended His hand and, touching him, said, “I will; be thou clean.”

We learn here that our Savior always wants to bless us. Some blessings may come immediately, others may take longer, and some may even come after this life, but blessings will come in due time.

I think as we look at these examples in the scripture  we learn that our Heavenly Father will bless us in His time. We just need to press forward with faith.   

We love you all.

Brother Harvey Wamsley 2nd counselor in the Bishopric

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: 198: That Easter Morn

Closing Hymn: 200: Christ the Lord Is Risen


Tenlee Hansen

Elaine Wright

Mike Major


Our Condolences go out to Jeff Konold and his family. Jeff's mother passed away . The viewing and funeral were on Friday. Read her obituary here: Maxine Konold

Youth Summer Activities

Please save the date for your youth who will be involved in Youth Conference, YM Camp, and YW Camp.
Youth Conference: July 15-17
YM Camp: June 23-26
YW Camp: June 30- July 2 

April Fast Sunday

Due to General Conference, we will be having April's Fast Sunday on April 11th.

Ward Facebook Page

If you are on Facebook, join our page Taylorsville 23rd Ward-Inspiration, News, and Events.
We would like for this page to connect us more as a community and have more activity from members. This is a place where we would love you to share tender mercies in your life, if you have extra zucchini to share, questions about the neighborhood, family updates, etc. This may feel a little uncomfortable at first as we get into a new rhythm, but we have moderators who will approve all posts and all new members to keep our page safe and enjoyable. Please get the ball rolling and if you feel comfortable, please create a post and share with us about your family!


-As Spanish missionaries, we have also been asked to send out a survey to help find Spanish speakers in the stake. Here's a link to this survey that will help us know who has Spanish neighbors that we can contact. Here's the survey link.
-The missionaries for our stake are asking for participation in a fast. Here are the details: Missionary Fasting Challenge. We are being asked to participate from March 28th to April 3rd (2-3 families each day), if you're willing to sign up please sign up here.

Relief Society

The Relief Society lesson this Sunday is, "Highly  Favored of the Lord", and will be taught by Mary Ellen Strong at 11:00am on zoom.

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...