Friday, May 24, 2024

Weekly Update May 26th

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn:  #114 Come unto Him
Sacrament Hymn:  #178 O Lord of Hosts
Intermediate Hymn:  #124 Be Still, My Soul
Closing Hymn:  #247 We Love Thy House, O God

Meeting Schedule

May 26th - Relief Society/Elders Quorum
June 2nd - Taylorsville Temple Dedication

Teacher Council Meetings

The next round of Teacher Council meetings will be on Sunday May 26th for the Sunday School Teachers during the second hour; then the Primary Presidency and Teachers will meet right after church.
We are planning on meeting in the Cultural Hall at this point.  The topic of discussion will be how to "Think Celestial" in our teaching practices. 

Come Follow Me

Taylorsville Temple Dedication

There will be two dedicatory sessions for the Taylorsville Temple.  These sessions will be on Sunday, June 2nd at 10:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m.  They will be held at the Stake Center which will be an extension of the Temple.  All baptized members, 8-years-old and older, are invited to attend.  Those wishing to attend will need a current temple recommend or a special ticket available from the bishopric.  Youth 8-15 must be accompanied by adult.  Please be in your seat 30 minutes prior to the session and bring a white handkerchief.

The Bishop has received tickets to attend the temple dedication at the Stake Center.  These tickets are available for all baptized members, ages 8 and older, who are temple-worthy.  If you have a current temple recommend, it is not necessary to have a ticket.  However, if you would like a ticket for keepsake, please show your current temple recommend to a member of the bishopric and they can get you a ticket.

If you do not have a current temple recommend, and would like to attend, please contact Brother Hunick (801-808-1248) to set up an appointment with a member of the Bishopric.

Ward Mission Message

Christ directed us to "go and bring forth fruit, that your fruit should remain." When we are striving to bring others into the gospel we are not only blessing their lives but ours as well. As the open house for the Taylorsville temple has ended, I know that many of you had the opportunity to take others to the open house and share with them your testimony. What a wonderful missionary tool this has been I am sure that many seeds have been planted. If you have had a special spiritual experience and feel comfortable in sharing it, please do so, we would love to hear about them or share them in class or with others that we may all be partakers of the spirit that you felt.         

Thank you for your loving spirits. (Brother Peck)

Relief Society

The lesson this week will be from A Higher Joy by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and Fruit That Remains by Elder Matthew L. Carpenter.

The Young Women are planning on visiting all 30 of the temples in Utah during the last week of May.  They have asked the Relief Society to help provide snacks for them.  If you are able to help, please drop off the snacks (oranges, apples, string cheese, assorted chips, crackers, etc.) to Lee Stevens at 3265 Bitter Root Circle by Saturday, May 25th so they can put them in bags for each day.

Mary Ellen Strong is still collecting plastic lids that will be used for prosthetics.

Jan Wheeler is collecting clothing, shoes, hats and jackets for youth and adults.  Let her know if you have anything so she can pick them up or arrange a time to drop them off at her home.

Tessie Edgar is collecting for the Murray Family Road Home homeless shelter.  Anything that can be used to set up a new apartment. IE: towels / tinfoil / extension cords. 

Father & Son's Campout

The Ward is planning a Father & Son’s Campout on Friday, August 9th - Saturday, August 10th.  It will be held at the Beaver Ridge Campground, which is the Church owned property near Park City.

Employment Opportunity

Legacy Village, 3251 South 5400 South, is looking for a part-time receptionist to cover shifts when needed.  If anyone is interested, please call 801-613-4600 and ask for Crissi.

Temple and Family History

Please attend an endowment session on your own sometime during the month and invite someone to go with you.

The Jordan River Temple will be closed for cleaning from Monday, May 13th through Monday, May 27th.

Upcoming Ward Activities

Neighborhood Luau June 8th

(Chili & soup, hotdogs, & trunk-r-treat)
Date: Wednesday, October 30th
Time: 5:30-7pm
Location: Ward building & parking lot

Christmas Dinner
Date: Saturday, December 14th
Time: 6-7:30pm
Location: Ward building

Ward Choir Practice

Ward Choir practice will be held on Sundays at 12:30 p.m. after church on the stage except for fast Sundays.  

Building Cleaning Assignments

Here are the upcoming assignments for cleaning our building.  Please trade with another ward member if you have a conflict on your assigned date.  Contact Brother Elzinga if you have any questions.  Plan on 9:00 a.m. on Saturday unless told otherwise by your Team Leader
  • May 25th:  Team Leader-John Hughes.  Team Members:  Allan Hess, Janice Huddleston, Josh Hunick
  • June 1st:  Team Leader-Tyler Wright.  Team Members: Cecily Blakely, Elaine Wright, Erin Wright, Jonas Manuel
  • June 8th:  Team Leader-Brent Peterson.  Team Members:  Joan Thalman, Carole Jensen, John Lesko

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...