Saturday, June 12, 2021

Ward Weekly Update June 13

 Leadership Message

Brothers and Sisters,

I've been pondering the challenge that President Nelson asked of us in the April 2021 conference - to exercise more faith. As I have pondered this challenge, I have wondered what I can do to show faith in my prayers and actions.

I can't remember where I heard it, but someone on social media shared the story of Peter when he walked on water. This individual explained that Peter showed faith by stepping out of the boat, until he got distracted and started sinking. But, besides the Lord, Peter was the only one to walk on water because he exercised more faith. As Peter looked to Jesus, he was lifted up out of the water again.

I believe that we each have the capacity to "walk on water" like Peter did. And, if we get distracted by the world or sin, we can look to our Savior to help lift us up. We are just asked to exercise more faith. As we do so, the Lord will bless our lives.

How can you exercise more faith in your life? Is it by praying more often, studying the scriptures, doing family history work, sharing your testimony, heeding a prompting, or something else? I challenge you to look to the Lord and ask Him how you can exercise more faith. He will answer.

I love you. The Lord loves you! He is there and willing to allow you to walk on water with Him.

Bishop Cox

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #256 As Zion's Youth in Latter Days
Closing Hymn: #259 Hope of Israel


Relief Society Announcements

  • This weeks Relief Society lesson will be taught by Lee Stevens, "Remember Your Way Back Home" by Jose Teixeir.
  • Come to the Relief Society activity, "Amazing Unsung Heroines" and tell us a story of a woman in your history!  This will be our last  Relief Society Zoom meeting!  Tuesday, June 15th at 7:00pm.
  • We have a neighborhood activity is in the watch for the details and invite your neighbors!

New Callings

Sister Ramona Ammons was called as the Disability Specialist

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