Friday, June 4, 2021

Ward Weekly Update June 6

Leadership Message

Beginnings and Endings

My mind has been caught up this week with thoughts of beginnings and endings. There  are so many of them in this all-consuming earth life. Days begin and end. Wards and branches begin and end. Lives begin and end.
This ward had a new beginning not so long ago. We’ve just seen the beginning of the Sudanese branch. This means new callings, new acquaintances, new opportunities, new uncomfortable surroundings. Loss of old callings, old friends, old comfortable surroundings. 
This last week was also the ending of the life of a sweet ward member, Judy Edgar. She was unknown to the majority of the ward membership. However, those who knew her were touched by the delighted expression she always wore and her pleasant personality. 
As always, with beginnings and endings, things change. When that happens we have a choice to make. (Alma 34:32) What will we choose to do with the space between the beginnings and endings in our lives?

Kathryn Lyman, Relief Society President

Meeting Program 

Fast and Testimony Meeting
Opening Hymn: #140 Did You Think to Pray? 
Closing Hymn: #241 Count Your Blessings


Ward Mission Message

Hello 23rd ward members.  Would you like to help gather Israel?  A simple and effective way is to reach out to your less active and non-member friends and neighbors.   Also, there are houses for sale and rent within our ward boundaries. As families move in:
  • Introduce yourself and offer help and support 
  • get to know them and become their friend. 
  • invite them to church meetings and activities.  
  • distribute the Welcome to Taylorsville Important Information Sheet attached.
Let us open the doors for the missionaries and help the Lord gather His children.

Adjusted Stake COVID Guidelines

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


We are excited to announce that COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted in the Taylorsville Utah South Stake, effective June 6th. With health conditions continuing to improve, we feel the time has come to return to normal meetings.


Please feel free to wear a mask if it would make you feel more comfortable. But facial coverings will no longer be required for church meetings.


For a time, we will continue to administer the sacrament at the end of sacrament meeting for broadcast purposes. We will also continue to leave a row open between pews to allow Priesthood holders to administer the sacrament directly to each member.


But all church meetings will return to normal otherwise, including Nursery, which may resume in June.


We are so grateful for the many efforts that have been made to mitigate health risks during the pandemic. We recognize the sacrifices that have been made to sanitize chapels, teach virtual classes and fulfill callings in creative ways. You have been amazing.


Please direct questions about local circumstances to your bishopric. We love you. We pray for the blessings of Heaven to be upon you and your families.


With All Our Love,


Randy L. Foote, Stake President

Kayle D. Loertscher, 1st Counselor

Jeremiah D. Stettler, 2nd Counselor

Temple Recommend Interviews

If you need to renew your temple recommend, please contact Bro. Ken Stevens. The Stake Presidency will be holding their interviews at the Stake Center at 4pm on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays going forward.

Relief Society Announcements

Temple/Family history meeting is Tuesday June 8th, 7:00pm on Zoom. Everyone is invited!!!!

The Relief Society Activity is Tuesday June 15th, 7:00pm on Zoom.  Make sure to bring a story about one of your female ancestors.

New Callings

Nancy and Ed Denney were called to be Primary Teachers.

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...