Friday, November 5, 2021

Weekly Update November 7

Meeting Program

Testimony Meeting
Opening Hymn: #73 Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice
Sacrament Hymn: #169 As Now We Take the Sacrament
Closing Hymn: #123 Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee


Relief Society

This month's Relief Society activity is November 17th @ 7:00.  We will be painting with Brother Hughes!  If you have any empty 24 oz sour cream containers, please bring them to Relief Society, and we will store them to use for our activity.

Mary Ellen Strong is taking donations for any kind of plastic lid.  We have a collection box in the Relief Society room, or you can give them directly to Mary Ellen.

New Callings

Brother Brent Eyre was released as Sunday School President
Brother Bob Elzinga was released as Sunday School First Counselor
Brother Jonathan Gardner was released as Sunday School Second Counselor
Brother Tyler Mumford was released as Priest Quorum Advisor

Brother John Hughes was called as Sunday School President
Brother Robert Dang was called as Sunday School First Counselor
Brother William Peck was called as Sunday School Second Counselor
Brother Tyler Mumford was called as Sunday School Secretary
Brother Jonathan Gardner was called as Ward Technology Specialist

Stake Callings

Brother Steven Beck was released as Stake Young Men President
Brother Craig Hall was released as Stake Young Men First Counselor
Brother Zachary Layton was released as Stake Young Men Second Counselor

Brother Jonny Benson was called as Stake Young Men President
Brother Zachary Layton was called as Stake Young Men First Counselor
Brother Eric Timpson was called as Stake Young Men Second Counselor

Sister Lana Pech was released as Stake Relief Society President
Sister Gaylene Lesko was released as Stake Relief Society First Counselor
Sister Elizabeth Soares Da Silva Uvario was released as Stake Relief Society Second Counselor
Sister Kathy Hommes was released as Stake Relief Society Secretary

Sister Kathy Hommes was called as Stake Relief Society President
Sister Sharleen Prows was called as Stake Relief Society First Counselor
Sister Silvia Cristina Da Silva Mineli Dos Passos was called as Stake Relief Society Second Counselor

Stake Patriarch

Brother Kent Bawden was released as Stake Patriarch
Brother Jimmy Matsumura was called as Stake Patriarch

Temple and Family History

Zoom meeting Tuesday November 9 at 7p.m. Link can be found in the Virtual Links of the weekly email.
  As you gather with your family this Thanksgiving season, ask them to bring that favorite salad or side dish for dinner AND a story to share or some family photos!  
This is what Elder Dale G. Renlund says about blessing of family History:
You'll find not only protection from the temptation and ills of this world, but you'll also find personal power, power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified, and power to turn the hearts of your family together and heal that which needs healing.
Come join us for the Temple and Family History Zoom meeting for ideas and fun tips.
   -Temple and Family History Committee

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Weekly Update September 15

   ANNOUNCEMENTS National Day of Service -  Saturday September 14 at 9am in the church parking lot then go to Tessie Edgar’s home (3212 W As...