Saturday, May 29, 2021

Weekly Update May 30

 Leadership Message

Brothers and Sisters,


I am so excited that the various COVID restrictions that are in place are starting to be removed. As was announced yesterday by the Stake, we will be able to return to normal activities at church. The temples are beginning to open even further. We are seeing people feel more comfortable in public. The Lord is good to us and is making it even easier to find opportunities to help us gather Israel.


We have had an opportunity to prepare ourselves for the greatest work in the world - the gathering of Israel. What have you done? What can you do to prepare yourself even more? How can you prepare your friends, family, and neighbors?


Alma preached to the people of Gideon and said, "prepare ye the way  of the Lord, and walk in his paths, which are straight; for behold, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and the Son of God cometh upon the earth" (Alma 7:9). This message still applies to us today, as it did so many years ago. We are asked to prepare for the Taylorsville Temple, and also for the second coming of Jesus Christ. What do you need to do to prepare? How can you help those around you prepare?


I encourage you to seek personal revelation through prayer and personal study. Ponder the words of the prophets and listen carefully to the still small voice. I know the Lord will direct your path to prepare the way of the Lord.


I love you and am grateful we have the opportunity to accomplish this work together!




Bishop Cox

Meeting Program

Opening Hymn: #104 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
Closing Hymn: #73 Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice


Fifth Sunday Schedule

Tomorrow (5/30) is a 5th Sunday. All adults will meet in the cultural hall following sacrament meeting. The youth will all meet in the young women's room. 

Adjusted Stake COVID Guidelines

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


We are excited to announce that COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted in the Taylorsville Utah South Stake, effective June 6th. With health conditions continuing to improve, we feel the time has come to return to normal meetings.


Please feel free to wear a mask if it would make you feel more comfortable. But facial coverings will no longer be required for church meetings.


For a time, we will continue to administer the sacrament at the end of sacrament meeting for broadcast purposes. We will also continue to leave a row open between pews to allow Priesthood holders to administer the sacrament directly to each member.


But all church meetings will return to normal otherwise, including Nursery, which may resume in June.


We are so grateful for the many efforts that have been made to mitigate health risks during the pandemic. We recognize the sacrifices that have been made to sanitize chapels, teach virtual classes and fulfill callings in creative ways. You have been amazing.


Please direct questions about local circumstances to your bishopric. We love you. We pray for the blessings of Heaven to be upon you and your families.


With All Our Love,


Randy L. Foote, Stake President

Kayle D. Loertscher, 1st Counselor

Jeremiah D. Stettler, 2nd Counselor

Temple Recommend Interviews

If you need to renew your temple recommend, please contact Bro. Ken Stevens. The Stake Presidency will be holding their interviews at the Stake Center at 4pm this Sunday (and on the 2,3,and 4th Sundays going forward).

Relief Society Announcements

Please notify Brother Tanner Haderlie or Teresa Hughes if you know of any homes for sale/new move ins so that the missionaries can welcome the new families into the neighborhood and ward.  We are encouraging everyone to do this on a continual basis to help the ward missionaries and full time missionaries be apprized of new families moving in to our area.

Thank you to all those who attended Relief Society.  There is a wonderful spirit when we gather and I am sure there are blessings for your sacrifice

Just a reminder as you go out to celebrate Memorial Day;  

  1. As you visit cemeteries, take pictures to post on family search!  
  1. Check the information to make sure it's correct.  
  1. Look in family search for cemeteries that are close by that maybe you have ancestors  that you haven't visited for a while.

New Callings

Sister Tessie Edgar was called to be a Youth Sunday School Teacher

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Weekly Update September 15

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